In 2006 the Massachusetts Legislature designated October 21st as Massachusetts Biomedical Research Day, to recognize the contribution biomedical research makes to the health and well-being of the citizens of the Commonwealth and people around the world, as well as the many positive impacts that biomedical research has on the state’s economy and reputation.
Each year on October 21st, the Massachusetts Society for Medical Research publishes a poster thanking all those dedicated thousands of people who work in this life-saving field. The Society also honors several individuals for their outstanding part in the biomedical research world.
MSMR recognizes researchers, educators, business leaders and public officials who have provided significant new knowledge, leadership and support. At a Recognition Luncheon to be held at the Union Club on October 21st, Travis McReady, CEO of the Mass. Life Sciences Center, will keynote. After receiving an award, each honoree will then speak about her or his passion for this work and where it may lead us.

Travis McCready of MSLC
This year’s Honorees are

Honoree Dr. Diana Bianchi
Diana Bianchi, MD, Tufts University’s Sackler School of Biomedical Sciences, Bianchi Lab, Tufts Medical Center’s Mother Infant Research Institute; now Director of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development – Researcher: Recognized for her work in pediatrics, genetics and metabolism, particularly non-invasive research.

Honoree Dr. Michael-Ehlers
Michael Ehlers, MD, PhD, Executive Vice President, R&D, Biogen, Inc. – Business Leader: Recognized for his leading role in neuroscience discovery and commercialization.

Honoree Dr. Linda-Griffith
Linda Griffith, PhD, MIT, Center for Gynepathology Research, Griffith Lab – Researcher: Recognized for her work in the under-researched area of endometriosis. Also, a fundamental contributor to the science and building of organs on chips.

Honoree Dr. Celia Schiffer
Celia Schiffer, PhD, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Schiffer Lab, Institute for Drug Resistance – Educator: Recognized for her research and for her teaching, mentorship, and leadership in bringing women into science.
Rep. Brian Dempsey, 3rd Essex and House Chair, Committee on Ways and Means – Public Official: Recognized for his commitment to funding, supporting and furthering the biomedical research enterprise in the Commonwealth.
The Massachusetts Society for Medical Research (MSMR) is a non-profit educational and research support organization whose members are biotechnology firms, colleges and universities, hospitals and institutes, pharmaceutical companies, and others that support research.
Visit the MSMR website for complete details.